Saturday, May 28, 2011

happy text

Tim took the kids out to eat and play and sent me this text:

"Kids had a choice of fries, cookie or garden salad and they all chose salad and the workers were shocked."

Moments like that are benchmarks of happiness.

Of progress.

In stark contrast to exactly a year ago when Bronwyn would not even TRY a green smoothie because it had spinach.

But I bought that crazy expensive blender and I was committed.

. . .and we kept trying and trying.

When they make a choice like that, tonight, that comes FROM them--not me, that feels like true success.

six months, eight months and now. . .

No doctor visits for ONE ENTIRE YEAR!!!

I do believe that we have only missed a handful of days for an entire year of green smoothies (and we had enough green smoothie two and three times a day to make up for those few missing ones).

a friend emailed me and said she was doing THREE of the Twelve steps.

she emailed me back later after she realized she was doing FOUR of the steps.

Sometimes we are making more progress than we think.

I am taking a moment to record mine.

What have your "happy texts" been this year?

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