Monday, March 28, 2011

Tips to maintian a healthy Thyroid

I have been feeling overly tired and washed out lately. As I have mild issues with my thyroid in the past, I started doing some research and found this wonderful article just published a few days ago. I thought I would pass a summary of it along.

Natural Thyroid Support: 8 Natural Ways to Maintain Thyroid Health

March 24, 2011

Hypothyroidism, or low thyroid, affects millions of people in the U.S. and many go undiagnosed. The effects of thyroid deficiency range from weight gain, allergies, insomnia, low energy, dry skin, depression, and joint pain, to heart disease and heart failure, when left untreated. (check, check, check...)

It’s more common in women over 40 and when diagnosed, is treated with thyroid medication for life.

If you suspect you may be suffering from low thyroid, it is important to get diagnosed and work with your physician to bring your thyroid back into balance. There is a lot of controversy surrounding thyroid health and finding the right path for you may take time and patience.

1. Get enough iodine. Iodine is needed for your body to make thyroid hormones. In countries like Japan, with a diet rich in seafood and sea vegetables, like kelp, the incidence of thyroid disfunction is very low.

2. Take a multivitamin. Selenium, vitamin A and iron are all essential to proper function of the thyroid. Many do not get enough selenium in their diets.

3. Consider coconut oil. Many holistic practitioners recommend experimenting with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil a day to restore proper thyroid function.

4. Take vitamin D. Research over the last 20 years shows that people with low thyroid levels also have low levels of vitamin D.

5. Watch the soy. While eating natural, fermented soy products like tofu and miso may not be a problem, eating foods or taking supplements high in soy isoflavones, may depress thyroid function.

6. Avoid consuming raw cruciferous veggies in excess. Goitrogenic foods like Brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, kale, turnips and cauliflower can have a negative impact on thyroid function if eaten raw in large quantities. However, cooking reduces that effect. Eating reasonable amounts, even raw, is probably not a problem. These foods appear to be a problem only if you are also iodine-deficient.

7. Avoid refined sugars and starches. Reducing junk food has become a global recommendation for good health, as it feeds the body without supplying essential nutrients that whole foods do, many of which may support thyroid health.

8. Exercise regularly. Overall health is maintained by good circulation of the blood and exercise is essential to aging well...Make sure you get up and move regularly throughout the day.


  1. Just as a follow up note. I ended up taking some multi-vitamins and vitamin D and felt much better the next day. Walking shoes here I come!

    I wonder if it is similar to the plants in my garden—too much acid or alkaline and they cannot access the nutrients in the soil, but when you get the balance in the soil right then the plants can get what they need to thrive.

  2. We can't wave a magic wand and alter hypothyroidism, but we can eliminate this through natural thyroid supplements .
