Tuesday, October 19, 2010

RAW desserts

So, last week was fantastic.
Really--raspberry cheesecake, chocolate hearts and chocolate peanut butter goodies--that were good for me?
They were so lovely and rich and I couldn't even finish my one piece of cheesecake.
Luckily Cali left the all the leftover chocolate pieces at my house. . .:).
After the demonstration and tasting Cali talked to us about. . .
refined sugars AND
the dangers of artificial sweeteners.
and then we learned about all sorts of wonderful natural sweeteners to replace the refined and artificial sweeteners. . .
like raw (local) honey, agave nectar, (organic) cane sugar, stevia, and yacon.
and then. . .
we learned about cacao.
Who knew REAL chocolate was so good for you?
We also had a wonderful inspirational thought/exercise about our "weaknesses" . . .and the strengths or things we learn from those blemishes or weaknesses.

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